The Transformed Muzembo Funerary Ritual of the Tonga People of Chikankata in Zambia, 2013-2023

  • Joseph K. Hachintu Kwame Nkrumah University, Department of Religious Studies, Zambia
Keywords: Muzembo, Funeral, Ritual, Tonga people, Chikankata, Zambia


This study aimed at investigating the Muzembo funerary ritual of the Tonga people of Chikankata, in the Southern region of Zambia. The Muzembo is an important funerary ritual in the Tonga culture that is performed after burial, usually on the third day after the occurrence of death. Methodologically, a qualitative research approach was applied using a purposive sampling technique in selecting 32 participants drawn from different communities in three villages of Mwenda Chiefdom in Chikankata District, namely Chikankata, Haampande and Moonga. Semi-structured and Open-ended interviews were conducted to obtain primary data, while the research also drew upon secondary data sources. Results were analysed thematically and the findings highlight five main emerged themes. It has been found that despite the influence of Christianity on the Muzembo funerary ritual, the Tonga people of Chikankata preserved the original old ritual name by referring to the name in the ritual performance that characterised the events of the last day of funeral gatherings. This implies that the custom had neither been completely eradicated nor had its name changed due to the influence of Christianity. The funeral ritual, therefore had only been altered in content due to the synergy that resulted from the fusion of traditional customs and Christian beliefs. The author recommends conducting a similar study among the Tongas from other sub-regions of the Southern Province with different levels of Christian influence, to appreciate and highlight the subtle differences.
