Effects of rare values on organisational commitment and performance

  • Choolwe Mwiiya Mulungushi University, Department of Business, Kabwe, Zambia https://orcid.org/0009-0009-3954-9045
  • Mujinga Mwondela Susiku Mulungushi University, Department of Law, Labour and Human Resource Management, Kabwe, Zambia
  • Hellicy C Ngambi, Prof. University of Kabwe, Kabwe, Zambia
Keywords: Value-based leadership; organisational commitment; organisational performance; RARE values.


While, some scholars have given a clarion call for value-based leadership, studies on the effect of RARE (Responsible, Accountable, Relevant, and Ethical) value-based leadership (Ngambi, 2011) on organisational behaviour are rather fragmented and disparate. This study, therefore, sought to assess the effects of these RARE values of leadership on organisational commitment and performance. The study examined survey data on experience of stakeholder employees in public institutions that were sampled from three out of ten of Zambia’s Provinces, namely: Copperbelt Province, Central Province, and Lusaka Province. The case study and descriptive survey design was adopted, where data were collected through questionnaires. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, chi-square, correlations and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The results indicate that the higher the educational attainment, work position and the more experience an employee has, the more likely they are to appreciate their organisational leader who applies the RARE leadership value-based principles. The correlation values on Affective, Continuance and Normative commitment were 62.1%, 67.1% and 55.2% respectively in relation with RARE principles. This denotes a strong positive relationship. Regression analysis was used and established that there is a 58.1% positive relationship between RARE values and performance. The results suggest that organisational leaders, who are equipped with RARE values, are able to positively influence the perceptions of employees and enhance organisational commitment and performance.
