Challenges of youth participation in governance amid Commercialised politics: insights from Lukashya constituency, Zambia

Keywords: Challenges, commercialized politics, governance, participation, youths


The study sought to investgatethe challenges of youth participation in governance amid commercialised politics in Lukashya Constituency of Northern Province in Zambia. The specific objective was to determine the challenges faced by the youths involved in governance amid Commercialised Politics. To conduct this research, the researchers employed a qualitative approach under phenomenological design. Maximum variation sampling was used to sample 42participants drawn from the three selected wards of Lukashya Constituency. Individual and focus group interview guides containing open-ended questions were used to collect qualitative data from the participants who were individually interviewed on face-to-face basis, and focus group discussions. Data was analysed thematically, based on themes that emerged from the huge amount of data collected. The study captured expensive nomination and adoption fees, expensive campaigns, exclusive organisational structure and candidate selection and inadequate civic education as key challenges faced by most young people to fully participate in governance. Findings of this study may inform policy and practice. The study recommends the need for the government through the Electoral Commission of Zambia to enhance civic education programs and political literacy in communities, beyond the classroom teaching, reduce adoption and nomination fees to allow more youths to participate in governance issues, for them to have a voice in matters such as; the amendment of the constitution to pave way for a proportional representation system, a measure to increase youth participation in national governance.
