Optimized chromatographic production of high-purity 177Lu radionuclide at IRT-T research reactor for nuclear medicine applications
Indirect method produces Beta Particles (50%) and Gamma (6.7%) of energies 0.497 MeV and 0.11 MeV respectively which makes the produced 177Lu suitable for bone pain palliation studies, targeted therapy of cancer and metastasis, medium and small joint synovectomy. Chromatographic method completely separates Ytterbium and Lutetium with the degree of separation of 1.34, indicating 99 % yield of 177Lu and 177Yb, implying minimal radiation safety and waste disposal concerns. Furthermore, this method produces 177Lu with a longer lifespan, approximately 2 weeks which makes it successful in endoradiotherapy, brachytherapy and treatment of malignancies. In this method Neutron flow has no effect on specific activity and 177Lu integral yield depends on numbers of irradiation cycles and on the amount of Lutetium present in the target material. Therefore, the method yields the greatest specific activity of 177Lu (1181.9 GBq) which has the ability to deliver 177Lu with the greatest radionuclide purity (99%) conceivable and suitable for treatment of radionuclide therapy such as thyroid cancer, bone metastases and lymphomas. Indirect method provides acceptable radiolabeling results with insignificant amount of impurities, making it best method for production of Radiolabelled Nuclides for treatment of cancer.